Adding 2FA Management Features to Your Fortress Secured Front-end Print

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If you have Fortress enabled and you have users that need access to reset or configure their own 2FA settings but you don't allow them access to the /wp-admin area of your website (for instance a WooCommerce store) then you need to add the ability for users to reset/configure/deactivate their own 2FA settings. 

Authenticated users can access their management page by clicking a link on their profile page within the WordPress Admin area. If your site does not allow WP-admin access to some users, you can use the shortcode below to render a direct link to the management page.

  • [snicco-fortress:manage_totp_link]
  • With a custom message:
    [snicco-fortress:manage_totp_link]Click here to edit 2FA[/snicco-fortress:manage_totp_link]

Here is where to locate the 2Factor settings on user accounts within the admin area.

Here is a screenshot of what the 2FA management page looks like after you have activated 2FA on your account.



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