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Managing Account Members in Cloudflare

Ensure you have the role of Super Administrator and a verified email address to manage account members in Cloudflare.

Viewing Account Members

  1. Log in to the Cloudflare dashboard and choose your account.
  2. Navigate to Manage Account > Members.

Adding Account Members

  1. Inside the Cloudflare dashboard, choose your account.
  2. Proceed to Manage Account > Members.
  3. Click on Invite.
  4. Provide the necessary details:
    • Invite members: Key in one or more email IDs (separate multiple addresses with commas).
    • Scope: Modify the scope as needed.
    • Roles: Assign the desired roles to members.
  5. Click Continue to summary and review the details.
  6. Press Invite.

If you're using an Enterprise account and a user is already registered with Cloudflare, consider the Direct Add option to include them without an email invitation.

Modifying Member Permissions

  1. Within the Cloudflare dashboard, select your account.
  2. Head to Manage Account > Members.
  3. Choose a member record, then click Edit.
  4. Update the scope and roles accordingly.
  5. Press Continue to summary, review, then click Update.

Resending an Invitation

If an invitee can't locate the invitation or it's expired, follow these steps to resend:

  1. Login to the Cloudflare dashboard and select your account.
  2. Go to Manage Account > Members.
  3. Pick a member record with the status Invite Pending.
  4. Press Resend invite.

Revoking Member Access

  1. From the Cloudflare dashboard, choose your account.
  2. Navigate to Manage Account > Members.
  3. Identify the member, then expand their record.
  4. Click Revoke followed by Yes, revoke access.

Official Cloudflare Documentation

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