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Default Email Account

Your default email address is listed under the Default Email Account heading. This is a special email account set up when your cPanel account is created by your web host. The account's username and password are the same as your cPanel account name and password.

Depending upon your web host's setup, this address may serve as a "catch-all" for all mail sent to invalid usernames in your domain. As such, it may receive a large amount of spam.

You can check and delete the mail that this account receives. To do this via webmail, click Access Webmail and select your desired webmail application.

You can also use this account to send mail. To do this via webmail, click Access Webmail and select your desired webmail application.

The actual address of the account is, where account represents your account user name. You cannot rename, delete, or place a quota on the default account. For these reasons, we recommend that you create a separate email account for daily use.

This address is also the default From and Reply-to address of outgoing messages sent by your account's PHP scripts.

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