Import post and terms metadata from Yoast SEO to SEOPress Print

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Migrating Metadata from Yoast SEO to SEOPress

SEOPress offers a seamless way to transfer all your metadata from Yoast SEO. The elements you can migrate include:

  • Title tags
  • Meta descriptions
  • Facebook Open Graph tags: title, description, and image thumbnail
  • Twitter tags: title, description, and image thumbnail
  • Meta Robots: noindex, nofollow, etc.
  • Focus keywords
  • Canonical URLs

To migrate:

  1. Navigate to SEO > Tools > Plugins in your dashboard.
    2. Choose Yoast SEO.
    3. Hit Migrate now.

Done! Once migrated, you can safely deactivate and delete the Yoast SEO plugin from your WordPress admin panel.

Remember: It's crucial to run only one SEO plugin at a time to prevent potential conflicts.

WARNING: The migration process will modify or delete all SEOPress post metadata. However, Yoast data will remain untouched.

Here's a quick video from the SEOPress Team!

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