Import post and terms metadata from Premium SEO Pack to SEOPress Print

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Transferring Metadata from Premium SEO Pack to SEOPress

SEOPress allows you to seamlessly import all your valuable metadata from the Premium SEO Pack. The components you can bring over include:

  • Title tags
  • Meta description
  • Facebook Open Graph details: title, description, and image thumbnail
  • Meta Robots such as noindex, nofollow, etc.
  • Focus keyword
  • Canonical URL

Migration Procedure:

  1. Head to SEO > Tools > Plugins in your dashboard.
  2. Choose Premium SEO Pack.
  3. Click on Migrate now.

After the migration, it's recommended to deactivate and then uninstall the Premium SEO Pack plugin from your WordPress admin section.

Important Consideration:

  • For optimal site functionality, ensure that you don't have multiple SEO plugins activated simultaneously to prevent any clashes.

WARNING: The migration will potentially modify or erase all SEOPress post metadata. However, data from Premium SEO Pack will be preserved.

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