Import post and terms metadata from wpSEO to SEOPress Print

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Migrating Metadata from wpSEO to SEOPress

With SEOPress, effortlessly import all your valuable metadata that you've set up in wpSEO. The elements you can transfer include:

  • Title tags
  • Meta description
  • Facebook Open Graph attributes: title, description, and image thumbnail
  • Twitter details: title, description, and image thumbnail
  • Meta Robots like noindex and nofollow
  • Main (or target) keyword
  • Canonical URL
  • Redirect URL

Steps for Migration:

  1. Navigate to SEO > Tools > Plugins.
  2. Select wpSEO.
  3. Click Migrate now.

Post-migration, ensure to deactivate and subsequently uninstall the wpSEO plugin from your WordPress dashboard.

Key Reminder:

  • It's crucial not to operate two SEO plugins concurrently to avert potential conflicts.

WARNING: This migration action might modify or delete SEOPress post metadata. Rest assured, data within wpSEO remains untouched.

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